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electric discharge machines(edm)造句

"electric discharge machines(edm)"是什么意思  
  • Compared with the traditional electric discharge machining ( edm ) in die manufacturing , it also further simplifies the working procedures
  • When the rotor to ground voltage is exceed the critical oil film threshold voltage , the oil film breakdown induce a large current , and even appear electric discharge machining ( edm ) current . therefore , the lubricate interface is damaged
  • It's difficult to see electric discharge machines(edm) in a sentence. 用electric discharge machines(edm)造句挺难的
如何用electric discharge machines(edm)造句,用electric discharge machines(edm)造句electric discharge machines(edm) in a sentence, 用electric discharge machines(edm)造句和electric discharge machines(edm)的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。